Friday, December 16, 2011
Had another very busy day at the office, Sharon worked late so I made a bean dip for Jason's graduation party. While at Wal Mart I noticed the guacamole dip had about 50 ingredients, none of which were avacados. Even thought the avacados at Wal Mart weren't the ripest, I decided it would be better to have real guacamole in the bean dip even if it meant a bit more work.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Today was Jason's graduation from UNL. Sharon had to work at Habitat so I went solo, bean dip in hand. It was a nice gathering of Jason's family and friends, as well as Annie, Hannah and Derek. After spending an hour or so at the party, I decided to run out to see Sharon at the Habitat store. Just so happened she was about to take lunch so we went for a walk around the shopping center. We stopped at the chocolate store and also went to the steak & seafood store. While at the meat store, we were given a sample of smoked shrimp, which was very good. I stopped by Trader Joe's on the way home for a few bottles of 2-buck Chuck and made a couple of pizza's when I got home.
When Sharon got home we were visiting in the office having a glass of wine when out of the blue she became very sick to her stomach. She spent much of the night and all of Sunday very sick and sore. We think maybe the little shrimp sample she had was the culprit.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
With Sharon being sick all day, I spent the day nursing her, attending the Kettenburg Christmas celebration and also golfing 5 holes! It was around 54 degrees and sunny. Hannah, Annie, Derek, Jason and Johnny all went to play frisbee golf down at Plum Creek Park. By evening Sharon felt good enough to sleep upstairs again and I slept on the couch so as not to disturb her rest.
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