Monday, November 7, 2011
Today Johnny got braces in Lincoln. It went well but he is having to make some serious adjustments to what he eats and how he eats. One year and $4,200 later he will have an awesome smile!
The weather today was really dark, drab and rainy with a slight chance of snow but that never happened.
Other than that it was a pretty routine day and quiet evening at home with Annie stopping in to fold her laundry after working at the cafe'.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sharon went to Jazzercise this morning and I opted to finish painting the front door rather than exercising. Finally can cross that project off the list!
Went to the Chamber of Commerce luncheon today at the civic center. Heard a nice presentation from the First Impressions committee about their ongoing efforts to beautify the four entrances into town.
Also had a nice visit with Max Wake regarding the future development of the north end of town where they own much of the land. He and his father are willing to donate some land for the north part of the hiking/biking trail!
Sharon made a WalMart run and scored some awesome asparagus and I couldn't resist roasting it up for supper! (Smelly pee)
Sid, I enjoy your post. Neat pictures too.